DMS Topology & Geometry Seminar - IISER Kolkata

Spring 2025

Welcome to the Topology and Geometry Seminar at IISER Kolkata! Our seminars focus on the latest developments and cutting-edge research in topology and geometry, as well as related areas of mathematics. Seminars are open to all and may be held offline or online. While there is no fixed schedule, please check back frequently for updates. Join mailing group (or if you want to give a talk) for the latest seminar schedule and format updates. Stay connected with our community and don't miss out on exciting events. Thank you for your interest in the Topology and Geometry Seminar at IISER Kolkata! An archive of previous talks can be found in the following links: Spring 2023, Autumn 2023, Spring 2024, Autumn 2024.

Upcoming Talks

  • Published on

    Meromorphic projective structures on surfaces
    Subhojoy Gupta (IISc)

    A projective structure on a Riemann surface is determined by a holomorphic quadratic differential via the Schwarzian differential equation. The monodromy of this equation, or equivalently the holonomy of the projective structure, defines a representation of the fundamental group of the surface to $PSL(2,\mathbb{C})$, determined up to conjugation. In this talk, we shall describe some recent work concerning the space of projective structures on a punctured Riemann surface, corresponding to meromorphic quadratic differentials. In particular, we shall describe a geometric parametrization of that space which is an analogue of Thurston’s grafting theorem for closed surfaces, and discuss results about the monodromy map to the moduli space of framed $PSL(2,\mathbb{C})$-representations, which was first defined by Allegretti-Bridgeland. This represents work in several papers, some written in collaboration with Gianluca Faraco, Spandan Ghosh and Mahan Mj.

    Venue: TBA
    Time: TBA
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    Subhajit Mishra (McMaster University)


    Venue: Online (TBA)
    Time: TBA

Previous Talks

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    The Goldman bracket characterizes homeomorphisms between non-compact surfaces
    Sumanta Das (IIT Bombay)

    We show that a homotopy equivalence between two non-compact orientable surfaces is homotopic to a homeomorphism if and only if it preserves the Goldman bracket, provided our surfaces are neither the plane nor the punctured plane.

    Venue: 112, APC Ray LHC, IISER Kolkata
    Time: 2:30-3:30 pm
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    Topological Rigidity of Two and Three-Dimensional Manifolds
    Sumanta Das (IIT Bombay)

    The notion of topological rigidity and Haken manifolds were introduced and several related interesting results were stated. Also, a proof sketch of Nielsen's theorem on topological rigidity of compact surfaces with boundary was presented.

    Venue: 211, APC Ray LHC, IISER Kolkata
    Time: 3-4 pm